jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016

Villa Bio - epilepsy

Villa Bio

Carole Garilli

Ninja Fischer

Milda Duoblyte

Designing a house for an epileptic person, we have to think about two things:

  • Reduce possibilities of triggers that could provoke a seizure.
  • And, most importantly, keep the person from injuring himself/herself during a seizure - stairs, edges with no railings are the most dangerous places in case f a seizure.
Therefore, most of the changes that needs to be done, are interior changes:
  • Shades on the windows to prevent from direct sun
  • Bathroom doors swings outwards
  • Installation of alarm systems, medic alerts
  • Railings on the roof - security
  • Shower instead of a bathtub
  • Home gym instead of an office. Study results showed that 15 weeks physical activity program reduced seizures for 65% of patients and increased for 20%. 

Interior details:
  • Remove locks from bathrooms and use occupied sign instead
  • Shower curtain instead of door
  • Shatterproof glass for mirrors 
  • Wall to wall carpeting, remove scattered rugs
  • Protective covers on sharp edges
  • Chairs with arms

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