viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2016

House of Would, Frederik V. Randsø

Idea: To add a studio/work space. on top of the second bedroom, that will connect the house in a circle, through the patio.

The flow in the house is a down going spiral fromm the living room to the 2nd bedroom,
and by adding another level that connects with the outdoor patio, you change the dynamic of the house.

Aim: To avoid isolation in the bedroom doing a depression.

People who suffer depressions can experience the feeling of not wanting to leave the bed and by adding the a creative workspace on top of the bedroom you create a connection that encurages the person to get out of bed, instead of being secluded.


jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016



Marta Galletti

Persecution fear (Casa adamio)

casa adamio is characterized on the interior distributions on the totaly of openings are reconsired on an element superimposed on the volume , capable of clarifying the relacionship between the existing building and the privileged enclave where it is located, This new element intends to incorporate the house in the landscape to reforce the presence of the sea, now to introduce the illness wich is persecution or paranoia when need to keep this relation between landscape and the building at the same time we need to have a safe house for people who suffer of persecution ,that's why we can add transparente fachade of Cd  to have the some view from the inside and when someone is looking to house from outside we can just see reflects of the sun that's give a nice view and at the same time the
persone who suffer of paranoia can feel more safe without losing the must important side of this house wich is the view of the sea.



Alzheimer in ROTA House

Suffering Alzheimer means having a person every time over you, you become in a person who can hardly live a normal life without anybodies’ help. That’s a fact for which sometimes, a person who has Alzheimer feels embarrassed, just because of being helped.
Having a person who helps you is for us the only “good” aspect that has the Alzheimer’s disease. So, the aim of our project was designing a situation in which you have the need of getting helped.
In this project, I wanted to design a dwelling in the one you must be helped to be able to do current tasks. At the same time you try to do something –which might be very usual for you- you have, like a shadow, the presence of someone on your back, it would be like the action that care takers of people who suffer Alzheimer do, guarding them without interacting –sometimes- with them.


I have some issues with my PC and I couldn't finish my work on it and get to the files. That's way I had to do this in a rush by hand and upload it from mobile phone. Sorry.

I thought about dividing the house into two parts. The first one, called "adjusting zone", would be the main space with common area, kitchen, bathrooms and 2 bedrooms. The second one, called "universal zone" would be dedicated to the person with bipolar disorder. It will be designed and organized in a way that user wouldn't be able to change much.

The "universal zone" would have three parts: low, medium and high. Every part will be organized in a way to answer in a best way to the demands of different phase of bipolar disorder. Temperature, lights, will be set in order to create the best environment to go through hypermania and depression phases of the disorder. Both parts will also have different furnitures. Connecting part will be full of plants. In bipolar disorder it is important to have some kinds of habits. I have heard a stories that taking care of plants is a habit and action which regulate behaves and help some bipolar people to find the balance in their daily lifes.

The "adjusting zone" will be changable. In this zone, there will be possible to adjust the transparency of the window, changes of the function of common space and adjusting it to the needs. The temperature will be also controlled by the user here. The zone should be as much neutral as possible, that the user could easily adjust it to the needs.

Moreover, I would like to put in the house some skylights, because the light is really important factor especially in the life of people with the disorder. I would also change most of the windows for the bigger one, like I said, with the possibility to changes of their transparency.

Other point is placing more plants also in the common spaces.


Maria Domenech

Francesca Davoli

Jakub Fratczak


Down's Syndrome - development

Villa Bio - epilepsy

Villa Bio

Carole Garilli

Ninja Fischer

Milda Duoblyte

Designing a house for an epileptic person, we have to think about two things:

  • Reduce possibilities of triggers that could provoke a seizure.
  • And, most importantly, keep the person from injuring himself/herself during a seizure - stairs, edges with no railings are the most dangerous places in case f a seizure.
Therefore, most of the changes that needs to be done, are interior changes:
  • Shades on the windows to prevent from direct sun
  • Bathroom doors swings outwards
  • Installation of alarm systems, medic alerts
  • Railings on the roof - security
  • Shower instead of a bathtub
  • Home gym instead of an office. Study results showed that 15 weeks physical activity program reduced seizures for 65% of patients and increased for 20%. 

Interior details:
  • Remove locks from bathrooms and use occupied sign instead
  • Shower curtain instead of door
  • Shatterproof glass for mirrors 
  • Wall to wall carpeting, remove scattered rugs
  • Protective covers on sharp edges
  • Chairs with arms

Down Syndrome




Raúl Hernández Del Río:


miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2016

Paranoia - Developing the house

E-mail to professor


Dear David, 

As part of our project we were told to email our professors about our current project. We were given a modern house in Spain and in small groups had to think of a neurological disorder, and eventually we will alter the house to the needs of the clients disorder. The disorder we chose is 'Down's Syndrome'.  The first part of our project we were asked to design a micro-architecture for one person who has down's syndrome or for someone to feel like they do. 

As people with Down's Syndrome are very affectionate, caring and loving people, we created a hammock design/installation whereby you literally hug a tree. Tree hugging has many health benefits such as releasing endorphin's, increasing concentration and being close to nature. They also need support and our design literally supports the person. It is a metaphor of their life; scary thought being above ground and trusting the hammock is similar to their everyday struggle with learning skills however once they trust the hammock they feel calm and relaxed, almost like when they learn something new. 

Attached are some images of our final work. 

Hope you like the design.

Riya Chawla, Lara Nixel, Nerea Vera Fernandez 


Dear Riya and Sophie,
Thank you for your separate emails.

This looks like interesting and relevant work. As students of Interior Architecture it is important that you consider matters such as scale, furniture, human need, materiality, texture, proxemics and so on – both of your projects appear to have explored these things. I’d also say your projects appear both serious and slightly off-beat – certainly the “hug a tree” project can be seen as both amusing and serious. Certainly, considering a brief which asks you to respond to a particular illness or neuro/psychological condition is interesting and stimulating, and it appears you’ve both produced work as a direct response to the conditions set out for you. Each piece of micro-architecture (or what I tend to call “architectural furniture”) has unique properties.

I hope you had fun with this project, while learning much. Thanks for sharing it with me. Do send more examples of work, as they emerge. Kind regards, David

Mail to Coordinator

Here is my review from my lecture back in Bristol.

viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2016