jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016

I have some issues with my PC and I couldn't finish my work on it and get to the files. That's way I had to do this in a rush by hand and upload it from mobile phone. Sorry.

I thought about dividing the house into two parts. The first one, called "adjusting zone", would be the main space with common area, kitchen, bathrooms and 2 bedrooms. The second one, called "universal zone" would be dedicated to the person with bipolar disorder. It will be designed and organized in a way that user wouldn't be able to change much.

The "universal zone" would have three parts: low, medium and high. Every part will be organized in a way to answer in a best way to the demands of different phase of bipolar disorder. Temperature, lights, will be set in order to create the best environment to go through hypermania and depression phases of the disorder. Both parts will also have different furnitures. Connecting part will be full of plants. In bipolar disorder it is important to have some kinds of habits. I have heard a stories that taking care of plants is a habit and action which regulate behaves and help some bipolar people to find the balance in their daily lifes.

The "adjusting zone" will be changable. In this zone, there will be possible to adjust the transparency of the window, changes of the function of common space and adjusting it to the needs. The temperature will be also controlled by the user here. The zone should be as much neutral as possible, that the user could easily adjust it to the needs.

Moreover, I would like to put in the house some skylights, because the light is really important factor especially in the life of people with the disorder. I would also change most of the windows for the bigger one, like I said, with the possibility to changes of their transparency.

Other point is placing more plants also in the common spaces.

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