viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2016

Exercise 1a

My video is based on these three houses:
Blas House in Sevilla la Nueva (Madrid), by Alberto Campo Baeza
House in Lège, by Anne Lacaton and Jean Philippe Vassal
Can Lis, by Jørn Utzon

“A great building must begin with the immeasurable, must go through measurable means when it is being designed, and in the end must be unmeasured.” 
Louis I. Kahn

In my perspective, architecture is not about the architect – it is about the building, the user of it and the lifestyle of the user.

“The architects who benefit us most maybe those generous enough to lay aside their claims to genius in order to devote themselves to assembling graceful but predominantly unoriginal boxes. Architecture should have the confidence and the kindness to be a little boring.” 
Alain de Botton, The Architecture of Happiness

In my video I want to show that sometimes you do not even need to see the building to get the feeling of the lifestyle. The doorstep and the view through your window – you can read a lot from it. Door and the view could tell you a lot about the way of living – the neighborhood, location, people’s personal style and basically the kind of lives they live. Architecture fills in the gap between the door and the view and architects job is to fill in the gap to suit the lives of the users best.

“The door handle is the handshake of the building.” 
Juhani Pallasmaa, The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses

Therefore, my video will show a bunch of the entrance to the building and the view through the windows. The doors represent individuality and the view is the essence.

Music – based on the song ‘Kings and queens’ by 30 seconds to mars.

Exercise 1a

This is the storyboard for my final video:
Inspired by the song technicoulour Beat by Oh Wonder, in my final video I am walking up the hill to Santa Barbara castle in the morningdawn. This part o the video is filmed black and white as it is alomst dark. I will be sitting down and watching the sunrise. When the sun appears above the horizon the city will be coloured by the light.
My three examples of sories of houses show that a house is not always black and white, a empty case, but defined by its residents, bringing life into this case.

Exercise 1A

 I want to show how big and differential this world is and how human being is lost in it. With no real contact to its family, lonely person, who thoughtless follows one aspect of tradition in the same time forgetting other, more important one. 

Main character will be a dreamer who wants a better world. She thinks that this is possible by architecture. I want to express influence which architecture has on people minds, question which it asks, without using worlds (I will use them but architecture doesn't).

For this video I will use an animation which I want to draw (it will be my first try in this subject), and videos which I made in Alicante. I want to express inner monologue of main character, but I'm not sure yet I if will do it by my own voice or I will make subtitles.


Villa Anbar in Dammam, by Peter Barber

The U-House in Tokyo, by Toyo Ito

The Naked House in Kawagoe, by Shigeru Ban




Exercise A1

Architecture creates a mixture of design, atmosphere and light. It creates paths between different parts of living and work space.
Exercise A1

When I first read the Story of the De Blas House, I was amazed by the architects way of dealing
with light, material and the clients wishes, to create an unique atmosphere. I really enjoy beeing in places or rooms with an strong atmosphere.

Because of this, I will try to capture different kinds of places with totally different atmospheres in my video. I will try to put them in contrast and let them create their own ambience and different feelings.
To be able to do this, I will have to think about what influences the atmosphere of a certain place.

Exercise 1-A

I think architecture is not only the building that we can see. Architects must be able to create something more than a building, they must create relationships, atmospheres, feelings... And these things depend on the architects, their lives, their experiences, their personal imaginary. For this reason I understand the architecture as a continuous process, in which the architect receives influences from all kind of things, which are applied in the projects

Furthermore,  the video will show some situations and images which I think can inspire an architect, in reference to what the architect want to overcome with a building

Fist of all, for the video, I'm going to use the technique based on the sequence of photos, making the sense of movement.  Pictures also will be processed by photoshop, in order to create different effects

The video  will start with the image of the architect who has been personalized in me, before starting my search for inspiration

The video will analyse some issues about the life of an architect:
-How do architects look?
-How do architects express?
-How do architects remember?

These frames will be exploited to introduce real examples of inspirations that I can get looking, drawing, and photographing. I think all you have lived, your experiences, your hobbies will influence you when you project

Finally, I'm going to talk about the personal tastes. I think the opinion about one building can be modificated according how do you feel there. For this reason  I think places where you feel comfortbale, where you enjoy can influence you in a future. Due to this, personal tastes , hobbies are very important in the activity of an architecte.

This is the main idea of my video, how an architecte grow up as person but at the same time as architecte. Two faces, which are insaparable.But the union it's not only between the building and architect, but also between the building and constumer. I understand the architecture as a set of relationships, feelings and actions built of materials

Example of this vision is Shigeru Ban. During his chidlhood Sigeru watched the craft work of the carpenters, which worked in his wooden house. From then on he started to build his own structures influenced by these carpenters. Furthermore, one of the main topics of Shigerhu's architecture is solidarity with the poor people. Using cheap and new materials like cardboard , shigerhu has helped so many people during his life. The reason of his altruism is that he hasn't been able to stay indifferent to the misfortunes of the people. In this case we can see how the experiences and the architect's personality  have influenced in his architecture

Architecture and Man

Architecture is the discipline that has to organize the space, transforming spaces in places. It can work in any scale, but it is concentrated on the man's one.

Architecture is that "thing" where technics and art cooperate together giving birth some of the best human creations. Since when man has had cognitive abilities such as being able to organize civilization, architecture has always existed. In fact it is primarily created to meet human biological needs such as the protection from the elements. Such is one of the disciplines most present in all civilizations.

Architectural phenomenon has always been present in human culture, acquiring characteristics, definitions, functions, spatial and structural aspects often different or even contradictory civilization to civilization or era to era, that's why, define the architecture is difficult. So architecture is mainly a man's invention, that's the reason why architecture can't exist without man.
And, Man can't exist without Architecture.

Architecture - Nature

What is Architecture?

At the beginning, we needed a place to protect ourself from the outside, so dangerous and unknown for us. So we started to built: a roof, walls, forniture ..then streets and roads ..and then cities, high-ways ..the architecture became more and more technical and complicated, more daring and brave.
But before building, we hid in caverns, we made home inside nature, using its natural shape, and adapting ourself to it. Then it all changed, the need of following the forms of nature was no more necessary, and architecture became something totally different, sometimes even dangerous for the environment.
However, when we look at an architecture and we feel it as beautiful, is when it is part of the landscape, when even though it’s artificial it seems natural. Because our eyes still look for nature, and nature was the primary architecture, and still is.

Nowadays architecture sometimes seems alien, or fantastic ..but when those forms are nice to see and we love them is when they don’t collide with the landscape. Everybody can see when a building or any kind of construction is somehow not in the right place, it’s not representative of the place it is chosen to be. Because architecture it’s also this: it grows with the society it represents, it’s different in any part of the world because humanity it’s various just as much as it is nature.

I see architecture as nature, and nature as architecture, there is something extremely fascinating in this binomial.

I want to create a video where in the first frames I’ll show example of natural architecture, pictures and videos I took during different journeys, and then show some example of invasive and unnatural architecture, in Milan, my hometown, and finally some others where architecture could combine perfectly with the environment, from Milan and others cities I visited or studied, such as Edinburgh, Porto, Valencia, Berlin (all different cities for culture and style).

Exercise 1A- "Papa, vient jouer chez moi!"

In my video, I would like show why people need not only architecture as infraestructure, if not as a place to grow like a person. Architecture must meet the basic needs of a person dedicated to thinking of oneself, be relaxed and be comfortable. We need to remove that pressure that can condition us to do excellent things, excellent rojects.

It is so important to me as life develope due to the time. People change according their life and architecture is a reflex of her. For this reason, iarchitecture must change too, must chage with needs of each person being a refuge of each one beaing his space.

In my sketches I want convey my feelings and concerns about the live and also about the architecture. Actually, in the cities people are stressed and tied. And wue have to untied.

I upload this images, because I will work with them. The music will be wit a strong ritm to show all feelings and you will can feel inside my thoughts.
There are more scenes in the video but I want to show next friday.

EXERCISE 1A_ Framework and video topics.

Here, I want to show which topics I’m going to focus in. I tried to make a direct relationship between my interests -my way of seeing architecture- and the design itself of Alberto Campo Baeza, “Blas House”.
I start with a clear allusion to the Mies Van der Rohe quote “Less is More”, which is the essence of the minimalism architecture, given that in the work of Campo Baeza comes first the basis space, away from the overabundance of elements.
On the other hand, another characteristic aspect of this house is its (almost) opposite way of being related with the surrounding world, and specially with the Nature. It’s odd curious to see how in the high floor, this one, wraps around you, being part of it, while in the low level the Nature is framed by the square windows like it was a picture.

It carries us to the third point, the dualism which governs the house. A dualism between black and white, light and darkness, light material and heavy materials, and as a space is intended to daily activities and the other one is intended to the breakout of that.

jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2016

Exercise 1-A

In this exercise I want to focus on the relation of nature with architecture. We should, as an architects, integrate the nature into our proyects instead obviating or destroying it, as did Dominique Perrault in Villa Saint-Cast, and this way improving the architectural value of our work.

We can learn from the nature many things and incorporate them in our proyects, such as tree or dunes structures, tours of the rivers, the humidity control of the plants; and also, properly combinated with the architecture can transmit us unique and interesting fealings to each person due to the interaction of nature and architecture: changes powerfully the vision of the space we have in a building or a landscape, like adding vines, that visually changes the material of a surface; making part of trees to the inside design to create internal interactions with the nature; or building the house in the interior of a hillside, that makes us feel like the house is part of nature.

I'm not sure at all how my video will be, but I think to put put some clips that can express these feelings of the combinacion of the nature and the architecture.

Exercise 1

Exercise 1A

In my video, I want to present what Architecure means to me by showing pictures of the different parts of Alicante and why all of them are important for the overall picture we have from the city.

In general, Architecture means to me to create a building that is integrated in the environment and surrounding. That it emphasizes the main characteristics of the location and not changing it to something completely new. In an urbanistic view, it means that the character of the city is mostly shaped by the buildings, wherefor the architects have a big responsibility to deal with. They should capture peculiarities of the place and define it. That is why it should be more important in a city to restore already existing, ancient buildings, than planning new, commercial buildings. These edifices are more profitable, however they destroy the overall picture of the whole city and have no reference to the surrounding.

So I want to give an impression of the opposite sides of Alicantes architecture and how it affects the people that are passing the buildings and places and what it would be, if there would just be one type of architecure in the whole city.

Unnatural nature. excercise 1A

In my video, I want to show the reality in this part of Spain. There's a big problem that affect all of us even though, we are not concerned about it. Alicante is starting to become a big desert, and each time more, the difference between the green zones of wealthy neighbourhoods and the wild nature is getting bigger and bigger . It increases the contrast among what is really nature, and the unnatural nature, sometimes, just separated by a door. The main idea is to achieve that the artificial green spaces expand and not to be just an isolated green point in the middle of the desert.


Exercise 1A

In my video, I would like to focus on the details of architecture. How every building gets his appearance through thousands of small parts, which get connected to one big picture.
If just one detail is changed, it will change the appearance of the whole building. How the position of every wall, every window and even every brick stone effects the overall picture.
In my opinion the importance of these details needs to be considered more in recent projects, because most of the architecture is just build as simple and cheap as possible, what creates cold and unindividual architecture. I consider it to be important, that an architect is aware of why something is placed exactly in the position it is placed and nowhere else because in my opinion everything is supposed to have a meaning.
I thought about getting some smaller parts of films and pictures, which focus first on the details and then zoom out and show more of the buiding, to point out how our expectation of the whole building gets influenced even by small fragments. And therefore how important the tiniest part of architecture could be.
The video I added is really simple and should just give you a first idea of how I would like to work.

Exercise 1A


Harmony is not only due to the presence of similarities, completely different things, conceptually and physically, can live together in harmony. But how? Being respectful of the others, of what already exists, integrating, gaining value because of each other. Combining different things to make a new one.
 The owners of the house in Lège and its architects had respect for the place they were building in, for the dunes and the vegetation, even including the trees in the house.  Architecture needs be in harmony with its contest but this does not mean it shouldn't have a personality, instead it should bring value to the landscape. When everything is in harmony then people would feel more peaceful and less stressed, they would relax mentally and physically.
The video shows short clips of different things combined together to build a new landscape.

Exercise 1A

Nowadays, everything is fast. We don’t take the time to look and observe what’s around us. Always in the underground never seeing the sun, always running not paying attention to what’s around. All of that can have consequences on our mental health, from stress to depression. 
We all need to enjoy the moment, have a break. 

In the video, I would like to show the rush we live in while how resourcing and soothing it is to enjoy every moment. Architecture can help enjoying those moments. In my opinion it should be peaceful, a place where we feel confortable and secure. Far from stress, we should be able to resource ourself in it, using what it’s given to us such as light from the sun.

Jørn Utzon created Can Lis to find himself again and relax.
For that, he designed several pavilions, all oriented according to the sun. That way, each action has its own place and light, favourable to appreciate the moment.

Exercise 1, first ideas

The main purpose of my work is to analyze architecture as something that unfolds around the people. Adapt the architecture to the person and not be the one who must comply with the space given. A clear example is the Villa Anbar, where the architect decides to create the space according to the woman.

So that, I wanted to make a short video, as well as drawings, in which I try to show the feeling that architecture involves the body. In the video, I show small clips, where the majority of people that appear are women. My intention has been to show that the architecture borns inside ourselfs (from the inside to the outside). Also on the drawings, I wanted to show the feeling that we are architecture. Therefore I have warped the person using geometric figures.

These are very basic ideas, using different tools. And for the final video I will work with the same idea of architecture, but also adding the landscape, and be more precise. 


María Verdú

Project 1A

I decided to focus on the area where I live, and recording videos and taking pictures of all the different places, details, people.... that we usually she:


In this short video I show how I want to make more or less my project, taking pictures of different places and people or animals, the main aspects we have to study about when we think about architecture. 
First of all, we should try to improve landscapes (not destroying it) as Lacaton & Vassal did in House in Lège. Our main purpose would have to be making beautiful the ugly places and making more and more beautiful the good landscapes; saving the nature and allowing people to enjoy it. 
Then, we should understand what each type of person likes, doing our projects specially for them, taking into account their tastes and needs. 
I would also like to introduce some aspects about shadows or lights or both of them, I don't know... but my principal project is this that I have explain: landscape and people. 
Maria Domenech

passage of time

I will create a video on the importance of having nature around us and also incorporating nature in the buildings materiality, design, or interior of the structure, to think about why having nature around us is significant. Having nature close to us has many benefits to the human body, some examples include less stress, being more focused, increase in happiness and productivity and altogether improves mental health but it is also good for the environment and future to use sustainable/renewable/organic materials. 

The short video clip I made above shows the nature I have in my apartment and the views from my window. Having this close to me improves my mentality rather than living in a small dark room with no views. 

This relates to the Small House for a Kolonihaven by Enric Miralles because of its small organic construction using wood and having nature close to see time pass, something that I can also do from the view of my apartment is watch the sun rise and set.  

Many architects integrate nature with their building design such as Frank Lloyd Wright who designed the Falling Water house which is built over a waterfall, therefore my video will discuss the importance of using organic materials to improve our future but also why we should be close to nature to live a healthier lifestyle.