viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2016

Exercise 1-A

I think architecture is not only the building that we can see. Architects must be able to create something more than a building, they must create relationships, atmospheres, feelings... And these things depend on the architects, their lives, their experiences, their personal imaginary. For this reason I understand the architecture as a continuous process, in which the architect receives influences from all kind of things, which are applied in the projects

Furthermore,  the video will show some situations and images which I think can inspire an architect, in reference to what the architect want to overcome with a building

Fist of all, for the video, I'm going to use the technique based on the sequence of photos, making the sense of movement.  Pictures also will be processed by photoshop, in order to create different effects

The video  will start with the image of the architect who has been personalized in me, before starting my search for inspiration

The video will analyse some issues about the life of an architect:
-How do architects look?
-How do architects express?
-How do architects remember?

These frames will be exploited to introduce real examples of inspirations that I can get looking, drawing, and photographing. I think all you have lived, your experiences, your hobbies will influence you when you project

Finally, I'm going to talk about the personal tastes. I think the opinion about one building can be modificated according how do you feel there. For this reason  I think places where you feel comfortbale, where you enjoy can influence you in a future. Due to this, personal tastes , hobbies are very important in the activity of an architecte.

This is the main idea of my video, how an architecte grow up as person but at the same time as architecte. Two faces, which are insaparable.But the union it's not only between the building and architect, but also between the building and constumer. I understand the architecture as a set of relationships, feelings and actions built of materials

Example of this vision is Shigeru Ban. During his chidlhood Sigeru watched the craft work of the carpenters, which worked in his wooden house. From then on he started to build his own structures influenced by these carpenters. Furthermore, one of the main topics of Shigerhu's architecture is solidarity with the poor people. Using cheap and new materials like cardboard , shigerhu has helped so many people during his life. The reason of his altruism is that he hasn't been able to stay indifferent to the misfortunes of the people. In this case we can see how the experiences and the architect's personality  have influenced in his architecture

6 comentarios:

  1. I agree with you on the idea you are going to inspire your video: as a third-year student of architectura I've seen how many many things from my daily life have influenced me when I had to do a design about whatever, so I think you have choosen well your topic. Furthermore, I think it's great working with feelings, experiences and the rest.
    So, I'm looking fordward to see what are you going to do.

  2. I love the idea of working with experiences. I think it is a great way to express what architecture means to you. Another thing I like is the way you managed this exercise, using your own drawings and tools like photoshop to create the video. In my opinion it is a really good work, and it is something different, comparing with the rest of the class.
    I'm really excited to see the final video

  3. Your idea has great potencial! I think it's so interesting work yourself. Also it will help you find.
    The draws are incredible and use a similar esthetic can benefit you. I agree with you with the influence of the life to do architecture.
    I'm waiting to see your video!!!

  4. I agree in all you have explained about the experiences, and I love how you want to develop your idea. I'm really impressed with your own drawings, they are really original an working with that will help you a lot to make a very good video. Looking forward to seeeing your video!!

  5. I really like the way you look at the live of an architect. They do see talk or embrace themself diffrent then someone who works in the supermarket. They life in their own world I thinks its a good an humoures way to look at the topic that way.
