viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2016

Exercise 1A- "Papa, vient jouer chez moi!"

In my video, I would like show why people need not only architecture as infraestructure, if not as a place to grow like a person. Architecture must meet the basic needs of a person dedicated to thinking of oneself, be relaxed and be comfortable. We need to remove that pressure that can condition us to do excellent things, excellent rojects.

It is so important to me as life develope due to the time. People change according their life and architecture is a reflex of her. For this reason, iarchitecture must change too, must chage with needs of each person being a refuge of each one beaing his space.

In my sketches I want convey my feelings and concerns about the live and also about the architecture. Actually, in the cities people are stressed and tied. And wue have to untied.

I upload this images, because I will work with them. The music will be wit a strong ritm to show all feelings and you will can feel inside my thoughts.
There are more scenes in the video but I want to show next friday.

9 comentarios:

  1. I agree with your idea of changing the way we understand the architecture, and transform it in something that involves the person. I love how you use your own body to create the video, to create a scene. It's different.

  2. I find very insteresting work with the idea of the architecture changing with the person. I agree with you.
    In the video I would like to see real examples of this fact. The way you use your body, it's so imaginative

  3. I like the idea of a journey in your mind. Actually is the "place" where we create our own architecture. Nice idea

  4. The concept is really interesting and I like how you show it with ties you have to break free from. Maybe you coud also show with a few images what happens once you are free and how architecture changes according to people's lives

  5. I'm very curious to see how it will be at the end. I like the idea of a journey and how you explained it.

  6. I like your idea on how architecture change with us and that you can express your idea with simple but effective images.

  7. Yes, that's right! A house ir a refuge where a person can feel safe, I think it must serve the basic needs and it must change at the same time that the owner.

  8. Really good idea and a great way to show it with the rope tied around your body. Now I am really curios if you can find examples or solutions for the change of architecture according to its people. It would also be interesting to see, if there is architecture that encourages change and on the other side architecture that reserves change of the people effected by it. I am really looking forward to this video!
