Hypomania in the bipolar disorder is a mood state when person
is extremely energetic, talkative and really creative. It’s the time when many
authors write like 100 pages of book in two days or artist creates their
There are many biological symptoms that appears when person
feels down or gets really happy and energetic. As well, there are many
biological incentives which can put you in better mood.
These scheme represents how human body reacts to different
emotions. Yellow color indicates the areas that felt the most stimulated during
different feelings. The blue ones highlight areas that felt disactivated.
This can work also the otherwise: the different impulses on
your body can cause some feelings. Like a hug which relaxes you, relieves depression,
balance nervous system. On the other hand, creating the feeling of numbness in
different part of body can lead to aggravation.
By direct-current stimulation you can elicit different
Same thing is with the body temperature. Nowadays, the
body-warming method is used in treatment of depression. First thing, depression
conditions are always connected with higher body temperature and incapacity to
regulate it. But paradoxically heating the skin activates
serotonin nuclei that produce an antidepressant effect and turn on the body's
'air conditioning system’.
There are some studies showing also relation of
body temperature and cognitive performance. Two groups of people where compared
and person with internal body temperature 0.3C degrees higher than usual had better
results than the ones with regular body temperature.
With the temperature other thing is connected. Is
a fact that, the best mental productivity is when the temperaturę in the room
is like 72-73 farenheit degrees. 5 degrees more or less can lower the
productivity up to 15%.
Studies has also found a relations between amount
of lightning people get and their mood. That’s way for example Finland or
Sweden are the country with the highest number of suicide per total number of
citizens in the world. It can also be easily seen in our lives, when every year
we have somekind of small autumn/winter depression. And the light is also used in proces of
treating a depression.
Other tests showed that blue-enriched lightning
has a positive impact on cognitive performance. You can count faster, memerize
better, have faster reaction etc. etc.
Moreover researches showed that safe levels of electrical stimulation can enhance your capacity to think more creatively. It's all about frontopolar cortex, which stimulation boosts the creative proccess in your head. Transcranial dircet-current stimulation is also used in US Army, where drone pilot thanks to the technology can stay fresh for longer time. And of course there is classical music, which has already been recognized many times as a creativity booster.
With this knowledge we designed a suit form, which thanks to the technology and cognitivie knowledge can boost your creativity and your mental endurance, which are the brightest elements of bipolar disorder
We designed a
suit, which person can put on. It is built of aluminium frame and soft material
like for example wool fibres. In extended version its is packed with thermometre,
heating wires, electrodes, LED lights and controler.
By programmed
system you could be made to feel down. For example by electric stimulation of
special part of your body and creating a feeling of numbness or by lighting
your face with red light. You can add to it also depressive music.
The best
feeling is when a person escapes from depression and start feeling better. Our suit helps to end feeling down. First, it
heats your skin, regulates serotonin production, lamps start to shine with
gentle white light, other parts of body are being stimulated. Internal shape of
our suit is also designed to be comfy at most and to provide the proper body
position to regulate breath, blood flow and release body tensions.
Than the whole
technology is programmed to help you to achieve the best cognitive results,
boost your creativity, endurance, keep your mind fresh and sharp, helping you
to achieve the feeling which bipolar people can easily achieve by themselves.
Electrodes on your head starts to stimulate different part of your brain. Gentle electric stimulate back of your neck,
and your lower back. The blue light starts to shine. You are feeling more
relaxed. Light, electrodes, music, temperature open your mind, creating perfect
environment to come up with new idea to become new Tesla or Hemingway.