viernes, 28 de octubre de 2016

Microarchitecture, Autism

- Patrizia Lake
- Marysia Barczentewicz
María Verdú


Imagine a world where everybody had alzheimer.

Thinking about this we came to the conclusion that life and society, how we know them right now, would not exist anymore. With the steady loss of skills and memories, a person is in need of help in certain parts of everydays life. Nowerdays this is solved with familz members helping out or care-takers  visiting the sick person. In our imaginary world this service would not exist, so we came to the conclusion, that this would resolve in a much greater conectivity within the people. To be able to manage their daily life, they would have to rely on each other much more than we are used to it. One person having dificulties in one part of the daily life because of the loss of skills or memories, would need help of another person that is confident with this part. And at the same time in other parts it could work the other way  around. So it would be an amazing way of helping and receiving help. And those action have a great and positive emotional effect to the persons involved. While nowerdays the persons affected by alzheimer mostly feel embarrased because of their loss of skills and steady need of help, they would feel needed and important and at they same timeconfident and comfortable in asking for help to those, who they have already helped as well. As a result of this strong connection inbetween the people the living situation in our imaginary world would resolve in small comunities of 5-10 people. Not to small, so there is always help, but at the same time not to big, because this would cause to much confusion. The comunity would be more like a “family”, because the memories  about their family members usualy are kept  until the end.

For our microarchitecture project we decided to focus on an important part of the life with alzheimer. With all the features of alzheimer the person is undergoing a long process with a lot of change. The person will realize the loss of physical and cognitive skills and memories, which is hard to accept and often leads to mood changes or even characteristic changes. Due to that we tried to think about the positive part of change. Remembering our childhood, where dressing up in different ways was always an adventure and very exciting, we want to express this “positive change” with the symbol of a wardrobe as a small piece of daily life.
The wardrobe has, in addition to its regular doors, two more wings, to form a small "changing space" in which the person can change without being seen by others. In this way the person can avoid the embarassement that often goes along with those changes. With the mirror added in one of the wings, the person can, before stepping out in the public start to accept his/her changes by looking in the mirror.




Marta Galletti, Dennis Rupert, Rafa Muñoz


jueves, 27 de octubre de 2016



Hypomania in the bipolar disorder is a mood state when person is extremely energetic, talkative and really creative. It’s the time when many authors write like 100 pages of book in two days or artist creates their masterpieces.

There are many biological symptoms that appears when person feels down or gets really happy and energetic. As well, there are many biological incentives which can put you in better mood.
These scheme represents how human body reacts to different emotions. Yellow color indicates the areas that felt the most stimulated during different feelings. The blue ones highlight areas that felt disactivated.

This can work also the otherwise: the different impulses on your body can cause some feelings. Like a hug which relaxes you, relieves depression, balance nervous system. On the other hand, creating the feeling of numbness in different part of body can lead to aggravation.
By direct-current stimulation you can elicit different feelings.

Same thing is with the body temperature. Nowadays, the body-warming method is used in treatment of depression. First thing, depression conditions are always connected with higher body temperature and incapacity to regulate it. But paradoxically heating the skin activates serotonin nuclei that produce an antidepressant effect and turn on the body's 'air conditioning system’.
There are some studies showing also relation of body temperature and cognitive performance. Two groups of people where compared and person with internal body temperature  0.3C degrees higher than usual had better results than the ones with regular body temperature.
With the temperature other thing is connected. Is a fact that, the best mental productivity is when the temperaturę in the room is like 72-73 farenheit degrees. 5 degrees more or less can lower the productivity up to 15%.

Studies has also found a relations between amount of lightning people get and their mood. That’s way for example Finland or Sweden are the country with the highest number of suicide per total number of citizens in the world. It can also be easily seen in our lives, when every year we have somekind of small autumn/winter depression.  And the light is also used in proces of treating a depression.
Other tests showed that blue-enriched lightning has a positive impact on cognitive performance. You can count faster, memerize better, have faster reaction etc. etc. 

Moreover researches showed that safe levels of electrical stimulation can enhance your capacity to think more creatively. It's all about frontopolar cortex, which stimulation boosts the creative proccess in your head. Transcranial dircet-current stimulation is also used in US Army, where drone pilot thanks to the technology can stay fresh for longer time. And of course there is classical music, which has already been recognized many times as a creativity booster.

With this knowledge we designed a suit form, which thanks to the technology and cognitivie knowledge can boost your creativity and your mental endurance, which are the brightest elements of bipolar disorder

We designed a suit, which person can put on. It is built of aluminium frame and soft material like for example wool fibres. In extended version its is packed with thermometre, heating wires, electrodes, LED lights and controler.

By programmed system you could be made to feel down. For example by electric stimulation of special part of your body and creating a feeling of numbness or by lighting your face with red light. You can add to it also depressive music.

The best feeling is when a person escapes from depression and start feeling better.  Our suit helps to end feeling down. First, it heats your skin, regulates serotonin production, lamps start to shine with gentle white light, other parts of body are being stimulated. Internal shape of our suit is also designed to be comfy at most and to provide the proper body position to regulate breath, blood flow and release body tensions.

Than the whole technology is programmed to help you to achieve the best cognitive results, boost your creativity, endurance, keep your mind fresh and sharp, helping you to achieve the feeling which bipolar people can easily achieve by themselves. Electrodes on your head starts to stimulate different part of your brain.  Gentle electric stimulate back of your neck, and your lower back. The blue light starts to shine. You are feeling more relaxed. Light, electrodes, music, temperature open your mind, creating perfect environment to come up with new idea to become new Tesla or Hemingway. 

Paranoia ( Persecution Fear)

martes, 25 de octubre de 2016


My video is based of  Casa del amor of Carlos Arroyo and in my video i wanna to explain what means architecture to me ; the architecture isn·t just create building o simple or house with diferent and strangely geometry no !! For me the build some houses o any type of building firstly we need to imagine , to create , to inspire , to draw , and thinking a lot of which type of architecture and what we need to build . The type of architecture that i like which had mixed the tradicional and modern objects , with natural and unnatural things , with colores , and diferent scales , shapes , structure ......
Like Casa del amor ,it have diferent space and some strangely cubes that make diferent shapes and sturcture to this house , that what i choose the final house in my video exaple of type of architecture that i like because that have many colors and diferent shapes and the other house that see simple and normal with any attraction to me ....

miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2016



Micro Architecture

Micro Architecture 
Milda, Carole, Ninja

Being epileptic is difficult as you are not able to stay alone, you constantly need someone to help you in case of a seizure. But on one side, if we were all epileptic, everybody would help each other. 
The population would more look like a community, more like a group of individuals. The society would work more like beehives or ants, everybody would be there for each other. We would have more trust and connection. Community would be what makes us stronger. For this micro-architecture, we decide to get inspiration from the brain, where the seizure starts, but also from nature ( bees and ants ), representing the community.


 Neurons and synapses

Beehives as the natural model of shape and connectivity

Microarchitecture, OCD

Maria Domenech
Francesca Davoli
Jakub Fratczak

Microarchitecture, Autism

Casa Never Never Land

- Patrizia Lake
- Marysia Barczentewicz
María Verdú

With our model, we would like to conduct normal people into the life of an autistic person. On the one hand, we want to show how difficult it can be to live with this disorder, but on the other hand, we also want to express what advantages you get when you have this different kind of feeling. That is why our experiment deals with the special senses autistic persons have.

First of all we thought about how to make these impressions as realistic as possible, and so we come up with the idea of creating a helmet and glovs.
The helemt will have a geometric form and could be made out of papier mache or cardboard. The part in front of the eyes is beaked and you look throgh a loupe. This has the effect that you can not see everything around you and the things you can see are diffuse, but get really clear, when you come close to them. The same happens to the austistic people, who have often problems with their eyes, but they are focussed on details, that a lot of other people would not see.
Another sense that is affected by the illness is hearing. Loud noises have a huge effect on autistic persons, because they hear these sounds louder than normally. So we thought about an appliance for the ears of the person that is wearing the helmet. This can be put on the ears and is connected with a lot of needles. In the inside of the helmet is a material like paper fixed, so that the needles always touch the paper, when the person moves. And because the needles are so close to the ear, the noises are even starched and it feels like it is directly in it .
The other aspect we focussed on is that autistic people often can not recognize things by touching them. That is why we wanted to make the person loose his hands as a medium for get to know new things.
Therefor, the person get something like gloves to put on his hands. It should be delicate cable on each finger, that has bubbles on it, which make the person feel like they never really touch anything. It also seems like there is something between you and all the things, so that you never know what you are touching at the moment.

Our experiment target to force the person to concentrate all the time on every sense they have. It shoud show how important our senses are and that they are not self-evident. It should confuse the person that they do not see, hear and feel the things they expected and make them understand in which good way Autism can affect your life and make you see things in a different way.


For people suffering with Alzheimer's, the initial frustration with the illness is the short term memory loss and confusion. Suddenly remembering the simplest of details, like what did I have for breakfast? Become a challenge. However in the early stages after a bad turn of confusion or memory loss the person often feels normal and well again and regains memory. Therefore, for our design, in order to create a micro architecture to make one feel this confusion then again normal, we have designed an octagonal structure that is set up to be a memory game inside. When you enter you go through one door, and when you leave you exit through another as it has been moved to create the sense of disorientation.

Micro architecture - Down's Syndrome

Lara Nixel
Nerea Vera

Riya Chawla

Main idea:
To create a space that can be:
public &  private 
outdoor &  indoor

Our architecture design consists of two parts, outside and inside. The client is able to have their own private area where they can express themselves with art or can use this space to get away and be on their own. The space also has an outdoor part, not too secluded but more public, they are able to relax and view the sky above on the hammock, star gazing at night but not feel alone. Our idea is based on the initial house we chose ‘Small house for a Kolonihaven’ by Enric Miralles because it is a space that is open and close to nature, somewhere people can get away to but not a permanent living space. 

- sleep, paint, listen to music

- close to nature , hammock, star gazing 

In the next step we focus on the "room for one person".
In our case the micro architecture is the hammock:

It can be put anywhere:


Micro-Architecture, Paranoia

Dennis Rupert
Marta Galletti
Rafa Muñoz

The Paranoic person have a different reality of the world to ours, so to feel like we have Paranoia we need to do enter into their world. That's what we do with our model. We move to their way to see the world, making a box-model adding some elements that distort the reality, like adding some filtered colored holes to change the view of the reality inside the box. You can have another visual experience seeing throught the holes, seeing a different vision of the exterior.

Also, you have some elements inside the box you don't know what are, imagining in this way the worst situation possible, because a Paranoic person is thinking about the worst possibility it could happens.


House of Love

- Ibtissam Bakkach
- Alessandro Olla
- Raúl Hernández

First Model

For this model we have based on the way to see the life of Clive Wearing. He is an amnesian patient,who can`t remember more than seven seconds, for this reason, he is all the time discovering new things.

This fact is the one that we have chosen as a positive of the amnesia illness, In our microarchitecture we try to transmit this sensation, when you enter inside, you start to see the real world in a different way , because it has some transparent windows, that they deform the reality and make you to approach to the amnesia world, thank of seeing things that you think you have never seen.

Second Model

We have tried to do improve our architecture, making the structure adaptable with the person, with his scale and shape and allow the person to do more activities  and stay in different positions.  For example, he can sit comfortably and the structure folds and it came back to his shape when the person stands up. the support system has a mechanism that it allows turn
around independent way to the person inside, that allow the person to see the reality in a different ways thanks to the papers, and discovering new realities. Furthermore,with the game of transparent and translucent papers the person starts to develop his intuition, as an amnesia patient use it to discover things that he has forgotten. And  this is important because, intuition intuion is another sense of the humans, that we are losing it.

martes, 18 de octubre de 2016

Plan for Model

Malak Cherkaoui
Alberto Stradiotti
Britta Schallock

We chose a form of paranoia which makes you see people or things which are actually not existant.
To see this from a positiv point of view we assumed that a person with this form of paranoia is able to see more in the world than others do.
Our idea for a modell is to build a box with a lot of mirrors in it. This is supposed to show, what people suffering from this sickness see from the world.
A healthy person just see what is in front of him or her but dont take care what is behind or above, while a concerned person would see every detail next to himself and mix all this information up to one big picture of the whole surrounding.

Thats what the mirrors are doing in our modell. When you look through the box you see the world in front of you and also all the small patterns from all around you which the mirrors bring into your view.

jueves, 13 de octubre de 2016

Casa Andamio- Persecution mania

Casa Andamio- Persecution mania

Malak Cherkaoui
Alberto Stradiotti
Britta Schallock


The Casa Andamio is  placed in the north of spainin Sa Riera close to the city Girona. The architects name is Ramon Bosh and he built it together with his wife Bet Capdeferro in 2011 the couple recived an award called ,,premium de Architectura de Girona''.
The house is located close to the beach in a vacation area consisting out of many villas and other smaller houses.
The surrounding of the House is really natural it is placed directly in front of the beach and in addition enlaced of green areas.
The area the house is placed in goes down very steep to the sealevel
And the building got fitted exactly to this movement of the rock. It is a restauration of a building of the 20 century.
Doing this restoration work the architects tried to keep most of the history of the place and to fit it to its surrounding in favor to keep the  atmosphere
The most important aspect of this atmosphere is the proximity to the beach and the sea
He therefore used natural materials as ropes to bring it closer to the nature.
The ground floor is the most closest to the beach
You have a breathtaking view over the ocean.

From the highest floor you get in the house because it has acces to the street from here.

Video links:

Villa Nurbs - epilepsy

Villa Nurbs

Milda Duoblyte
Ninja Fischer
Carole Garilli

miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2016

The house of would- Bipolar

house of would video:

Bipolar disorder video:

-Frederik Vorting Randso
-Lukasz Chamer
-Mario Cañadas

  • Our house:

The building is made up of seven wooden-structure modules symmetrically identical surrounding a central court. Each module is dedicated to a different domestic situation, according to its functional needs. The modular structure, as well as the scale of the rooms allows the alteration of this functional logic, serving as a support for possible future layouts.
The house adapts to the plot of land in a layered fashion depending on the different degrees of privacy needed: private rooms are hidden from the street and adapt to the terrain giving a feeling of being in direct contact with the plot. The more public spaces are closer to the street and gain height gradually, until they tower over the landscape and look towards the horizon over the rest of the rooms. A series of small bridges serve as transition elements between the different areas and accommodate the different levels of privacy.
The ensemble is closed by a wooden envelope, generating a ventilated façade and roof. The central courtyard takes over part of the house’s garden. It includes a light roof that gives light to the façade, a sort of Chinese lantern that envelops the courtyard and allows the members of the household to enjoy this outside room.
The wooden roofs are arranged according to a spatial variation law which, as well as conforming to local regulations, collects rain water and directs it to the courtyard to water the garden.
  • Bipolar disorder
Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks.
There are four basic types of bipolar disorder; all of them involve clear changes in mood, energy, and activity levels. These moods range from periods of extremely “up,” elated, and energized behavior (known as manic episodes) to very sad, “down,” or hopeless periods (known as depressive episodes). Less severe manic periods are known as hypomanic episodes.
  • Email to the architects:

martes, 11 de octubre de 2016

Casa del Amor- Amnesia


   - Alessandro Olla
   - Ibtissam Bakkach
   - Raúl Hernández

House:   Casa del Amor by Carlos Arroyo


E-mail to the architect: 

Dear Carlos.
We are a group of architecture' s students from Alicante's University, who is working with your project La casa del Amor, in the workshop of Javier Merina. We have chosen your house because it has interesting story, and in this workshop we are working about some stories of houses. For this reason we want to know how was the design process of this house. We know that the original client was the football player Clarence Clyde Seedorf, and we would like to know if he asked you to put some specific conditions in the house.  Also, we know that in this project, it's important the environment, so we want to study it, and we can't find the exact coordinates. Finally, we would be grateful if you facilitate us some  graphics documents like floors, sections....

We expect for your answer
Thank you so much

Un saludo

Ideas for the Videos

House's Video: explain the house, highlighting its functionality ( create a perfect atmosphere for love) and how the architect overcome this atmosphere using the different elements of the architecture like the transparencies or the textures.

Ilness' Video: we want to explain the Amnesia trying to enter into the mind of amnesia patient, and discover how his daily life is.

Villa Nurbs - Epilepsy

Villa Nurbs


Milda Duoblyte,
Ninja Fischer,
Carole Garilli

Scripts for the videos:


Location, zooming in on the project


The Villa NURBS or Non-Uniform Rational Bezier Spline was designed by Enric Ruiz-Geli.
Located in Empruriabrava in Gerona, Spain, it is a futuristic house where melting ice blocks were used as model. There is nothing standard, the whole house is made-to-measure.

Organized around a central pool, the house has no corners but a seamless flow. It is a tensile structure, that uses new technologies ( 6 patents ).
It has a heavy concrete base but it gets lighter as it rises towards a roof of ETFE ( lighter alternative to glass ) pillows. These employ a system of opening and closing layers that insulate the interior.
The skin, comparable to a fish skin, is reactive and manages energies and privacy.

The mixture of ceramics and plastics try to optimize the surface and structure, which is important for the temperature regulation inside the house. The wavelike ceramic plates decorate the facade and protect against strong solar radiation.The complex geometry is stable but adaptable, and the completion of Villa Nurbs expresses all Ruiz-Geli's aim to optimize building resources and to harmonize nature with technology. The energy-saving roof consists of inflatable plastic bubbles.

Text continually mixed with pictures of the house and video parts of the making



Epilepsy is one of the most common serious neurological disorders affecting about 22 million people as of 2013.
It affects 1% of the population by age 20 and 3% of the population by age 75
80% of those with the disorder are in the developing world

Epilepsy could develop at ANY person of ANY age

Video of a girl’s story


Epilepsy is characterized by a long-term risk of recurrent seizures.
These seizures may present in several ways depending on the part of the brain involved and the person's age. 60% of cases are convulsive seizures.

People tend to isolate themselves because of fear of a seizure


Causes could be both genetic and acquired, such as: serious brain trauma, stroke, tumours, brain infections.
In 60% cases the cause is unknown.

Continuing video of a girl’s story

Daily management by medications
Avoid bright light, blinking lights, light contrast
Regular sleep rhythm
High-fat, low-carbohydrate diet

It could happen to anyone, but the disease should not stop anyone from doing what they want to do.

Letter to the architect