martes, 11 de octubre de 2016

Casa del Amor- Amnesia


   - Alessandro Olla
   - Ibtissam Bakkach
   - Raúl Hernández

House:   Casa del Amor by Carlos Arroyo


E-mail to the architect: 

Dear Carlos.
We are a group of architecture' s students from Alicante's University, who is working with your project La casa del Amor, in the workshop of Javier Merina. We have chosen your house because it has interesting story, and in this workshop we are working about some stories of houses. For this reason we want to know how was the design process of this house. We know that the original client was the football player Clarence Clyde Seedorf, and we would like to know if he asked you to put some specific conditions in the house.  Also, we know that in this project, it's important the environment, so we want to study it, and we can't find the exact coordinates. Finally, we would be grateful if you facilitate us some  graphics documents like floors, sections....

We expect for your answer
Thank you so much

Un saludo

Ideas for the Videos

House's Video: explain the house, highlighting its functionality ( create a perfect atmosphere for love) and how the architect overcome this atmosphere using the different elements of the architecture like the transparencies or the textures.

Ilness' Video: we want to explain the Amnesia trying to enter into the mind of amnesia patient, and discover how his daily life is.

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