martes, 25 de octubre de 2016


My video is based of  Casa del amor of Carlos Arroyo and in my video i wanna to explain what means architecture to me ; the architecture isn·t just create building o simple or house with diferent and strangely geometry no !! For me the build some houses o any type of building firstly we need to imagine , to create , to inspire , to draw , and thinking a lot of which type of architecture and what we need to build . The type of architecture that i like which had mixed the tradicional and modern objects , with natural and unnatural things , with colores , and diferent scales , shapes , structure ......
Like Casa del amor ,it have diferent space and some strangely cubes that make diferent shapes and sturcture to this house , that what i choose the final house in my video exaple of type of architecture that i like because that have many colors and diferent shapes and the other house that see simple and normal with any attraction to me ....

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