viernes, 28 de octubre de 2016


Imagine a world where everybody had alzheimer.

Thinking about this we came to the conclusion that life and society, how we know them right now, would not exist anymore. With the steady loss of skills and memories, a person is in need of help in certain parts of everydays life. Nowerdays this is solved with familz members helping out or care-takers  visiting the sick person. In our imaginary world this service would not exist, so we came to the conclusion, that this would resolve in a much greater conectivity within the people. To be able to manage their daily life, they would have to rely on each other much more than we are used to it. One person having dificulties in one part of the daily life because of the loss of skills or memories, would need help of another person that is confident with this part. And at the same time in other parts it could work the other way  around. So it would be an amazing way of helping and receiving help. And those action have a great and positive emotional effect to the persons involved. While nowerdays the persons affected by alzheimer mostly feel embarrased because of their loss of skills and steady need of help, they would feel needed and important and at they same timeconfident and comfortable in asking for help to those, who they have already helped as well. As a result of this strong connection inbetween the people the living situation in our imaginary world would resolve in small comunities of 5-10 people. Not to small, so there is always help, but at the same time not to big, because this would cause to much confusion. The comunity would be more like a “family”, because the memories  about their family members usualy are kept  until the end.

For our microarchitecture project we decided to focus on an important part of the life with alzheimer. With all the features of alzheimer the person is undergoing a long process with a lot of change. The person will realize the loss of physical and cognitive skills and memories, which is hard to accept and often leads to mood changes or even characteristic changes. Due to that we tried to think about the positive part of change. Remembering our childhood, where dressing up in different ways was always an adventure and very exciting, we want to express this “positive change” with the symbol of a wardrobe as a small piece of daily life.
The wardrobe has, in addition to its regular doors, two more wings, to form a small "changing space" in which the person can change without being seen by others. In this way the person can avoid the embarassement that often goes along with those changes. With the mirror added in one of the wings, the person can, before stepping out in the public start to accept his/her changes by looking in the mirror.



14 comentarios:

  1. We feel very identificated with your work because the illness that have you chosen is similar to amnesia. For this reason we like the idea of changing the personality every day, but we think you have to go further with it and not stay with only a change of clothes.

    Ibtissam Bakkach
    Raúl Hernández Del Río
    Alessandro Olla

  2. I don't know if I'm understanding correctly the idea. Someone with alzheimer can change their personality everyday with this proyect, right?

    Is a good idea, someone can feels like he's changing all time, every morning, but, a person with this mental disorder, really lose their personality? He lost his essence as who is him, and he really start to zero every time? I don't really know, but I guess than no. You don't know who is someone, you don't remember the year you're living, but your prefences are not going to change. If you're a good person, with this illness I don't think you're going to change 100% your personality and being a bad person. You'll be a good person anyways. But not in the same way that you was before. I think this is what is your project about, the fact that you aren't going to be the same that before, you see the world as a something new, changes in little things at the day can make the day totally different than any day you lived before. Your perception of the world will be different if you choose to get a pink colored dress or a black suit.

    May, your next steep is to keep that personality of the person, of how he/she is really, and mix them with the new reality he/she lives everyday.

  3. I think it is a good idea the fact that make the other people comfortable about being a "different person" and don't be afraid about the change, but I think that you should go further and make something different and original, with the same idea.

  4. The idea of the society, the world with an alzheimer, is very interesting. I like how you do all the research. But I don't understand the microarchitecture. I think is just a normal wardrove and you could desing something different.

    -Patrizia Lake
    -María Verdu
    -Marysia Barczentewicz

  5. I like how much you thought about your disease. How it would change the world if everyone had this sickness.
    I am not sure if showing the effect of that just by using different clothes is strong enough. But anyway I like the way you see this sickness in a positive way - to see yourself in a different way every day. Mabe you can bring in this feeling more in your project and not just change the way you look.

  6. I like the idea of feeling good with yourself everyday, but the problem is that creating a wardrobe is not just for one person. I would try to focus on the idea of create the feelings in a person and not to create an object that can be used by more than one person at the same time. You should develop the idea of the feelings you create because it's a really good idea, and maybe you would find some better idea to produce it. It's complex but simple at the same time and in some way I like that idea. :)

  7. I really like your approach to the subject of society in which everyone has an alzheimer. In my opinion your idea has good fundamentals and will be helpful in the further project development.

    About the wardrobe. Less is more. The idea is so simple but for me its symbolism is really powerful. I really like it. The only thing is that I'm not sure if the wardrobe is more than just a symbol. I think the more important are things which happen after clothes changing, the feelings after, when you are set to go on an "adventure". Your task is really, really tough. I would start with the wardrobe but also add some elements as well.

  8. This microarchitecture is just a changing room, and it fact when you get into you can't feel positive positive aspect until you start changing your clothes. Is the clothes makes you different person? But I like the text you written, maybe you shold change a little your way of thinking. Positive aspect of Alzheimer could be that you have to remaind your life very often. Microarchitecture could be some space where you can see all best memories from the past, I think in this way it could be better.

  9. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  10. We believe that think about a microarchitecture doing a closet that reflex the chages of the person it's a good way to see the mental disorder. So we think you can improve a bit the idea adding ideas like the creativity of this person,because they can see another realities more creative because somethisg their brain invent realities.

    Riya Chawla
    Lara Nixel
    Nerea Vera

  11. We like the idea, it looks fun but we don't understand how we can feel as an alzheimer person by changing clothes every day. If a person forget how to dress, how can it work ?

  12. I think you understood well what having Alzheimer means and the idea of changing everyday is interesting. I don't really know how to express what I think about the microarchitecture... on one side I really like it and think the idea is great, on the other I think you could have done something more creative. Anyway, good work

  13. Hi, i like the way that you learned a lot about the alzheimer dissease , but i did not understand the relacion between the microarchitecture and the illness so i hopethat tomorrow i will understand it better .Good Luck :)
