miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2016


House of Love

- Ibtissam Bakkach
- Alessandro Olla
- Raúl Hernández

First Model

For this model we have based on the way to see the life of Clive Wearing. He is an amnesian patient,who can`t remember more than seven seconds, for this reason, he is all the time discovering new things.

This fact is the one that we have chosen as a positive of the amnesia illness, In our microarchitecture we try to transmit this sensation, when you enter inside, you start to see the real world in a different way , because it has some transparent windows, that they deform the reality and make you to approach to the amnesia world, thank of seeing things that you think you have never seen.

Second Model

We have tried to do improve our architecture, making the structure adaptable with the person, with his scale and shape and allow the person to do more activities  and stay in different positions.  For example, he can sit comfortably and the structure folds and it came back to his shape when the person stands up. the support system has a mechanism that it allows turn
around independent way to the person inside, that allow the person to see the reality in a different ways thanks to the papers, and discovering new realities. Furthermore,with the game of transparent and translucent papers the person starts to develop his intuition, as an amnesia patient use it to discover things that he has forgotten. And  this is important because, intuition intuion is another sense of the humans, that we are losing it.

3 comentarios:

  1. The main ideo of your model is really interesting, that you want the person inside to see the world with other eyes. It was probably really difficult to think about a positive aspect of amnesia, but you did a good job of dealing with it. It will be a lot of work to built the structure of the second model and we are looking forward how you will do it!

    María Verdú
    Marysia Barczentewicz
    Patrizia Lake

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Your idea to improve the microarchitecture adapting it for each person and for your comfort its really good. And its the same idea to intuition. Each day you can learn new things an intuit it. But we think you can do something to strengthen a little more creativity of the person or think about the thinks that the person who has this disorder forgets all days and the thing that alway remember.
    Riya Chawla
    Lara Nixel
    Nerea Vera
